Traingelo: Deine Hilfe ist gefragt. Die Pilotenflügel auf der Abbildung sehen für mich nicht wirklich schweizerisch aus. Aber ich kann mich auch gut irren.
Bisher kannte ich nur diese Piloten Wings
It is interesting: There are two different patterns of Waffengattung wings on the cuffs. Once the wings look at the same side - once they look at reverse sides!
Officers could buy their garments from private taylors. It depended on their financial budget what they ordered. So their gear could look quite different. Their badges where usually made of brass boullion. But very often they wore their tunics the got as recruits and kept as NCOs as service dress for daily work. If you see a picture of a group of Swiss officers you will find a lot of differences in their indivdual dresses (not unlike in the British Army).